Survival-Games copied to clipboard
Freeze on crash instead of restart.
SurvivalGames prevents server from restart on crash. 12:52:09 [INFO] [SurvivalGames] Disabling SurvivalGames v0.5.8
Make sure you are running the right Bukkit, Vault, WorldEdit version, also use to send us the whole 'server.log'. When does this happen? What other plugins are you using?
Bukkit(spigot) is 1.5.2, WorldEdit with 1.5.2 support and Vault isn't outdated yet. Server log size is about ~100mb and there is no need to share it. It's looks like it's keep crashing because HungerPlusPlus but it's happens about 0-1 times a day. This isn't a issue at all for me because server restart positive effect server perfomance. I even have to restart server like every ~16 hours in order to keep it lag free. The issue is that SurvivalGames can't shutdown itself properly on crash.
Basically, when server crashes, SG fails to properly disable?
This isn't really a issue with SG, if the servers crashed its not like I have control any more over whats happening. My guess is its not able to rollback the blocks since the main thread is dead.
@DragonCzz Yeap! @Double0negative After force stop (ctrl+c) maps isn't damaged.
So the maps are resetting correctly? Would it be possible to get a thread dump?
@Double0negative Here we go.
What version are you running? Your line numbers don’t match up with the current code.
@Double0negative Can't remember, sorry. What was the latest version for 6 May 6.28 PM UTC+4? You should also add build number from jenkins into your version. Or shoul I update SG to latest build and wait for crash again?
It would help, the line number is occurring outside of any current methods so its not much help.
@Double0negative Build 24
Ok so its deadlocking on
which im assuming its because the player can't be teleported since the main thread is dead. Not sure what I can do about that.
Detect that main thread is dead and cancel anything to allow server restart properly? What happens when server force stops?
Its not as simple as just detecting that the main thread is dead, besides, the server has already crashed, the behaviour afterwords is unpredictable to begin with. if you really want to shut the server down on crash, use this