Donncha Ó Cearbhaill
Donncha Ó Cearbhaill
The current Tor2Web model entrusts Tor2Web operators with access to the content of users requests. As a result publicly hosted Tor2Web instance are at risk of coercive or other types...
All hidden service endpoints need to have a valid CA-signed TLS certificate for the oniongatway to be useful. This process is now much easier with the free LetsEncrypt certificate authority....
I'd like to make it easy for people to point their domain or a subdomain at a set of entry proxies without needing to transfer their entire DNS hosting to...
Some users would like to have multiple master services backed by the same set of instance addresses. This is equivalent to having multiple unique domains served by one set of...
OnionBalance needs to talk to the Tor control port to keep fetching and publishing descriptors. If the Tor control port connection goes away (e.g. for a Tor update and restart)...
The Travis-CI continuous integration currently runs a full functional test on a private Tor network for each new commit. There should be a guide to make it easier for potential...
The current implementation of donation splitting is simple but crude and has some issues. A maximum transaction fee is calculated in advance depending on the number of relays which have...
There appears to be a need to incentivise the running of more exit relays in the Tor network. It may be beneficial to the network for exit relays to receive...
It might be nice to have a default where the the Tor Project would directly receive a small portion of the donation (~5 % ?) as an aid towards continued...
The `gnome-calculator` firewall demo no longer displays the ECB and IMF hostnames as both are now using Akamai. The firewall does not associate the original hostname with the final connection....