Xingshuai Dong
Xingshuai Dong
Hi, I am trying to get the positions of trees in the outdoor environment through "simListSceneObjects()" and "simGetObjectPose". I got the following object and their pose. However, it seems that...
Hi, I would like to use the released environments in my research. However, I need to change the light environment of the "outdoor_courtyard" from night to daytime. Is anyone know...
Hi there, I tried to run the to crawl data from openreview. Unfortunately, it did not work. The following are the error messages. Is anybody can give me a...
Hi there, I tried to run the to crawl data from openreview. Unfortunately, it did not work. The following are the error messages. Is anybody can give me a...
****Hi there, I tried to run the to crawl data from openreview. Unfortunately, it did not work. The following are the error messages. Is anybody can give me a...