Dong Wu
Dong Wu
Hi Weiyi, test_3d_shell_self_contact cannot run. When compling, it shows 'ParticleGeneratorSurface': base class undefined. Could you help me solve this? Thanks.
@WeiyiVirtonomy Hi Weiyi, could you sent me the reference data (and test results if it is Okay from your side) of the test cases you have tested? Including the fluid-shell,...
> > @WeiyiVirtonomy Hi Weiyi, could you sent me the reference data (and test results if it is Okay from your side) of the test cases you have tested? Including...
> Hi Weiyi, test_3d_shell_self_contact cannot run. When compling, it shows 'ParticleGeneratorSurface': base class undefined. Could you help me solve this? Thanks. @WeiyiVirtonomy Could you also have a look on this...
> @DongWuTUM I still have some doubts about the renaming of RepulsionDensity and RepulsionForce. > > For a body named "body1" in contact with "body2" and "body3", I will need...
The shell body is also defined as "SolidBody". Only particles are distinguished as "ShellParticles" and "SolidParticles".
> @DongWuTUM Hi, Dong. I have renamed the repulsion forces and densities according to the type of surface contact relations. Could you take a lot at them? If it's fine...
Hi Weiyi, if this PR is Okay, please inform me, and then I will have a check. And for the multi-time-step solutions, I have told Prof. Hu. He said we...
> @DongWuTUM Hi, I have unified contact relations. Currently the namings are: The neighborhood for the contact from a solid to a solid/shell with offset_Wij correction: `NeighborBuilderContactFromSolidToSolid` The neighborhood for...