_call__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'tag' i have the problem in encoded_docs, decoder, word_counts = preprocess( docs, nlp, MIN_LENGTH, MIN_COUNTS, MAX_COUNTS ) i don't know why i have this...
您好在看it鐵人賽時看到您的分享,很感謝您的分享 在此有一個問題想釐清一下,您提到 Hierarchical Clustering 演算法不需要事先設定 k 值,每一次只將兩個觀測值歸為一類,可是後面在建模時的 n_clusters = 3 不是相當於k值也就是分群的個數嗎!? 有無可以讓她自行判斷分幾群的能力
I have some problem on making the model with my data. While I finish the Preparations I use my data and the subname is .txt, but my data is chinese...