Phillip Webber
Phillip Webber
The LPC1768 has two sets of i2c pins: .0/.1 and .27/.28, but I'm not seeing where it's documented which SKR 1.3 pins these map to. Can anyone help?
I'm coming from Marlin, which compiles in VS Code out of the box, and have no experience using C compilers beyond following the occasional how-to. Is there anyone who can...
## Example config for those using a plain ESP32 and external drivers with a relay-operated spindle. - XYYZ axis layout - External driver support - Realistic feed rates and acceleration...
This script enables the automation of zeroing out new bits to a workpiece using a conductive Zeroing Cube (link to matching 3d printable cube included), while also automatically measuring and...
#### Description No releases for over a year. Is this a dead project? It's the best looking gCode sender I've seen, and the only one which supports Marlin outright. Don't...