Dominique Makowski

Results 682 comments of Dominique Makowski

Saw a recent tweet where @bwiernik mentioned R2 differences, I'd suggest implementing it first in a function called `test_r2()`, and then perhaps incorporated in `test_performance()`

Would you have a reproducible example of some models' fitting as well as some info regarding how to extract any relevant information from them?

patience you must have. It'll come ☺️ I think after performance is out and report at least fixed, I'll try to write some posts :)

parameters* yup but it's ok as you read my mind 🔮

that seems like a good idea to add. @HanZhang-psych would you try making a PR? The code is pretty straightforward: We could also make a `metrics="robust"` option to get...

Should we incorporate the plot into check_model?

> This can be added as a column always / show up in the print method I'm not sure it's necessary to clutter the printing with this as it's not...

lmao > Might be easier to just do check_htest() instead? also, I think it's best to stick with check_model, most novice users using h-tests probably don't actually know they are...

It makes sense in check_normality I think

(@Tam-Pham @zen-juen 😏)