Dominique Makowski

Results 682 comments of Dominique Makowski

@crsh that's indeed what I roughly had in mind ☺️ Following @jvcasillas comment, it's true that for instance I've experienced sometimes some difficulties in installing or updating papaja (related to...

On top of the conceptual reasons for a potential splitting, I just realized now (after a painful round of reinstalling & updating πŸ˜… ) that splitting would allow to have...

Yes keep/drop was meant as an output tidier

That's very interesting thanks, I wasn't aware of that issue (and I'm quite a big user of EFAs πŸ™ˆ) Do you think we should replace the call to `psych` here...

[here's the method]( of the parameters extraction. I think indeed the first step would be to provide a `model_parameters()` for `fungible::faMain()` objects

wouldn't it be better to let that be passed throug ellipsis to avoid cluttering the API? Or to retrieve it from the options (as stan does) ?

I don't have any experience on how to deal with that sort of stuff, but I do agree that it'd be very nice to say, especially in markdown outputs !!

@zen-juen is assigned to this 😈 Running `model_parameters()` on an omega model would return the table with the different omegas for the different dimensions (and items?). And running `summary()` *on...

We could think of that: 1. `` runs on `psych::omega()` models (the output of e.g. `psych::omega(mtcars)`) 2. this returns an object of class `parameters_omega` and we can then have a...