Dominik Starke
Dominik Starke
I just upgraded a phone to iOS 15. Disconnecting from an AP works for me. A word of warning: If you connect to a known network and disconnect from it,...
There is no other way to disconnect from networks I'm aware of other than `NEHotspotConfigurationManager.shared.removeConfiguration` My test yesterday was with iOS 15.0 and I just retested with 15.0.1. Out of...
Ok, since getConfiguredSSIDs returns nothing: > getConfiguredSSIDs(completionHandler:) > Returns the SSIDs or the names of the Wi-Fi hotspot domains **_that your app has configured_** and invokes an optional completion handler....
That's weird. Not just my phone. I picked up 6 other iPhones with iOS 15 and 15.0.1 in the office today and none had issues disconnecting.
Maybe!? I've only ever seen this error if isn't properly set. It requires the provisioning profile to contain the entitlement and can only be unlocked on Manually adding...
The plugin only fulfills condition 2, if you connected to the wifi using the plugin as well. Otherwise you'll need the locationPermission (for example using this plugin:
I cannot confirm this right now, because I don't have my macbook available until monday. It seems we have to check for connectivity before proceeding any further as mentioned in...
After further investigation, the first call to setup_alsa seems to be unnecessary?
Nice profile picture. It might be a good idea to override the default value with a rate argument (something like `scream -r 48000`) falling back to 44.1k if not specified...