I agree with the first three points but disagree with the fourth one. Those expressions are there for legal reasons and assure the app the rights to contain, use or...
If I understand you correctly you suggest an option to switch the teacher and room labels? Currently, the teachers are on top and the rooms on the bottom.
That is already the case when Untis provides a teacher with your lesson, however teachers are only available on personal timetables and not on class timetables.
This would be something like the [Testing-API](
Planned, but currently not worked on - see #304
An idea would be to use an `OptionsMenu` entry like in the original app to provide quick access to some kind of setting like that. When providing that option it...
This is because of the new query restrictions in Android 11. You have to add the package name in the manifest for it to work. See
But since the preferences for each profile are defined in separate files it would also be possible to just delete that specific file when the profile gets deleted.
I am currently working on that feature.
I am running into an issue with the communication between the watch and the phone. The watch only receives messages when it feels like it. This is absolutely random.