Results 27 issues of Dolu1990

There is a sample : command : riscv32-zephyr-elf/riscv32-zephyr-elf-gcc **-march=RV32I** -fno-inline -fno-common -DTIME -DCORE_HZ=12000000ll -I/home/spinalvm/hdl/tools/zephyr-sdk/sysroots/riscv32-zephyr-elf/usr/include -O3 -o build/dhrystone.elf build/src/dhrystone_main.o build/src/dhrystone.o build/src/stdlib.o build/src/start.o **-lc** -L/home/spinalvm/hdl/tools/zephyr-sdk/sysroots/riscv32-zephyr-elf/usr/lib/riscv32-zephyr-elf/6.1.0 -L/home/spinalvm/hdl/tools/zephyr-sdk/sysroots/riscv32-zephyr-elf/usr/lib -nostdlib **-lgcc** -nostartfiles -ffreestanding -Wl,-Bstatic,-T,mapping.ld,-Map,build/,--print-memory-usage Then,...

Hi, I'm building a hardware simulation API using scala continuation to get coroutine/green thread capabilities. So far so good, i just have a case with CPS that i don't understand,...

Hi ! I was surprised to see a translated SpinalHDL doc :D Maybe it would be something that could interrest you, but there may be a way to enable multilanguage...

If you are interrested in contributing to the project, please let me know ^^ Here are the current work-items in completion order - [x] Plugin API - [x] Pipeline API...

try to fix #1465

Hi, I was looking at the maximal bandwidth reacheable with liteth in linux (+ vexii) And it seems there is some stuff which can be done in the linux...
