
Results 12 comments of 陈鑫伟

用 .NET 4.0 及以上的 dll。

您好,抱歉这么久才回复,我在 Nuget 上发布了新版本,修复了在 AOT-ONLY 模式下的 BUG。您可以尝试是否可以运行,或者能否留下您的联系方式。

Now this feature is supported using Nuget package : Swifter.SharpExtensions.

I'm sorry, can you tell me the right Json for this example?

It's OK now, but it's done with C#. I was to do it with F#, but something's hard for me; First, I don't know how to implement interfaces😂. ![微信截图_20200618133529](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14845492/84983584-a2d97a00-b16b-11ea-8d80-d0e14fc4a14f.png) The...

你有没有试过哦?是不是你看了我的例子,想当然的认为只对对自身是DateTime的对象才有效哦。实际上任何自定义类的属性或字段,再或者字典值,都有效。 ![QQ截图20210107145307](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/14845492/103861540-94977f00-50f8-11eb-85a2-0ad6721f030c.png)

https://github.com/Dogwei/Swifter.Json 刚发布了新版本,看这个词条