Daniel Gerendasy
Daniel Gerendasy
Hey! Love to see someone working on Artemis! This is really cool, I wanted to implement this myself at one point but it never came to fruition unfortunately. Happy to...
I'm surprised I never added one. I prefer using MIT whenever I can. Feel free to add one.
Sorry for the delay. 3.55 CFW is supported. However Artemis continues to have trouble loading PRX files into the VSH on certain firmwares. I have a couple suggestions. 1) If...
The problem is that Artemis has no MAMBA payload for firmware 4.78. It's a simple fix that I'll try to get to right now. Honestly I'd like to remove MAMBA...
Try out the new [release here](https://github.com/Dnawrkshp/ArtemisPS3/releases/tag/r5) and get back to me if it works out. Sorry for troubles.
The only solution I can think of is to have a PRX loader load artemis_ps3.sprx (found in /dev_hdd0/game/ARTPS3001/USRDIR/) before Artemis is launched from XMB. I honestly have no idea why...