Dmitry Demidov
Dmitry Demidov
Hi! I'm using version 9.96.7. I built static lib with ELPP_THREAD_SAFE. I've got segmentation fault: bt gdb output: ` #0 0x0004dfdc in el::base::TypedConfigurations::logFormat(el::Level) () #1 0x00052d58 in el::base::DefaultLogBuilder::build[abi:cxx11](el::LogMessage const*, bool)...
Hi! I would like to LOG value but i need output in hex format. How to do it? int value=255;` LOG(INFO)
Hi! I call Lib60870_getLibraryVersionInfo() but returned 2.3.0 version. Should it always be 2.3.1? Thanks!
Hi! Will saving to pdf file appear? Thanks!
Hi! I try compile my project on Qt 6.4.0 but failed. I added QT += core5compat to my .pro-file but it didn't help. easyloggingpp/src/easylogging++.h:444:13: fatal error: QLinkedList: No such file...
Hi! In QAmqpExchange::publish() method call publish() with myme type "text.plain" but i think should be "text/plain". Thanks!