I came across this error today and laverna wouldn't launch anymore, your trick worked for me on Linux 16.04 \o/ Had some hot stuff I couldn't get my hand on...
Hi there, really interested in giving a hand but not sure where to start nor if my technical background and English level best fit Reviewer or Editor role. I see...
Hi, Thanks for that contribution @greezlu Are you still making changes to your code ? I tried applying your patch on my local env and it does seem to fix...
I believe I can take some time today to assist you if I can help ? Need to fix this issue for a client. Do you have any trail to...
Thanks for all that information @greezlu ! Looking into your zip patches and the stack trace for Magento Catalog page I'm not sure updating the collection will do the trick...
To add more information : The `magento/module-checkout/Controller/Cart/Add.php` Action called on "add to cart" action does call `magento/module-inventory-indexer/Model/IsProductSalable::getIsSalable(string $sku, int $stockId)` to check for product salability. I feel it'd be right...
Thanks for the feedback ! I'll try playing with that collection this afternoon then, I'll keep you in touch
After some debugging in `magento/module-inventory-catalog/Model/ResourceModel/AddStockDataToCollection.php` : - Since we `SUM()` the reservations I believe we have to use a `GROUP BY` instruction in order to get distinct rows for each...
Hi, I believe my version of the patch was malformed, here is the version we can apply using composer [github-issue-3062-category-page.zip](https://github.com/magento/inventory/files/8803570/github-issue-3062-category-page.zip)
Hi @greezlu, Any update on this ? Did check out my changes ? Don't want to put any pressure, just not sure you've been notified of my last messages :sweat_smile:...