Gert Vandelaer

Results 6 comments of Gert Vandelaer

change "pld" argument enclosure to brackets in "jni/jpeg/jidctfst.S" it's just a simple syntax error pld [s,#0] and so on ... read all about it here :) grtz, Gert

Ok, I've started working on a local fork ... I've adapted the Makefile to check for OSE or K8 build : ``` ifeq ($(shell which oc),) $(info "No OC found,...

indeed, for the functional part everything is going to be in runtime ... With the Makefile adaptation, I was just thinking about people cloning it locally on their machine (like...

I'm still seeing this behavior in v5 channel ``` [gev@blah]$ oc get sub NAME PACKAGE SOURCE CHANNEL amq-streams amq-streams redhat-operators stable grafana-operator grafana-operator community-operators v5 [gev@blah]$ oc get routes |grep...

thank you for replying @NissesSenap, the Openshift 4.10/11/12 Grafana operator apiVersion is v1alpha1, and there is no "route"-spec there, so that may be the issue here ? ``` [gev@blah ~]$...