Fernando Suarez Ornani

Results 18 comments of Fernando Suarez Ornani

I've tried it and the line RB is using is: `Bin\NVIDIA-Trex\t-rex.exe -N 10 -r 5 --api-bind-http -d 0,1 -a ethash -o stratum2+tcp://us-east.ethash-hub.miningpoolhub.com:17020 -u BLABLABLA -p BLABLABLA --no-color --no-watchdog --no-new-block-info`...

I'm uploading the json files [devices.zip](https://github.com/RainbowMiner/RainbowMiner/files/7964041/devices.zip) DisableDualMining is "0"

Hi! Did you check that detection? Regards

It worked. But the rbminer console does not read my keyboard!

Uploding... BTW; I have Powershell 7.1 and RBMiner recommends 7.1.2. Should I try this first or you want me to try like it is now? BTW2: I'm an IT guy...

I'm on 7.1.2. No joy here. Still it doesn't recognize my key presses. I've also noted that now I can't click with the mouse in the console. Before this actual...


I have a shortcut to start.bat on my desktop and it has the "Run as Administrator" checked. But I've tried as you said. Open a pwsh manually (as Administrator) and...

I have only this user on my computer and it is an Administrator. The strange part is that, it WAS working ok a couple of days (week?) before and I'm...

No, I can't control the console anymore... BUT today I've discovered something strange (at least for me). If I put RBMiner on pause via the webfig, when RBMIner is paused...