
Results 15 issues of disservin

## Feature request Hi, I am looking for a feature that would convert this ```php $isTrue = true; if ($isTrue) { // do something } $var = "test"; ``` into...

kind/feature request

fen: `8/8/2p5/3b1K1k/4p3/4PpR1/5P2/8 w - - 99 113` ``` info depth 42 score cp 0 nodes 2378760 nps 2147718 time 1107 pv g3g7 info depth 43 score cp 0 nodes 1102889...

Currently anyone can edit the fishtest wiki. Data and guides could easily be lost. Change it under `Settings` -> `General` -> `Features` -> `Wiki` -> `Restrict editing to collaborators` and...

Hi, I think it would be great if the action also exposes a way to define the minor and patch version, so that the version of clang-format is fixed. Currently...

Separate issue for #1781 - Problem: Windows cannot handle large command lines See: https://tests.stockfishchess.org/actions?action=&user=mgrabiak&text=The+filename+or+extension+is+too+long - Windows worker shouldnt be assigned to these tests. - Windows max length seems to be...

Hi, I am fairly certain your props parsing fails for vue's new way of defining props. ``` const props = defineProps() ```

Add a constructor to `AccumulatorCaches` instead of just calling `clear(networks)` to prevent similar issues from appearing in the future. fixes https://github.com/official-stockfish/Stockfish/issues/5190 No functional change

to be merged

I didnt take a look at the code but I just had this position `5r1k/3Q4/3p3p/p1pP3P/3pB1R1/1P1Pb3/6K1/5q2 w - - 2 41` White has 2 moves in this position and no matter...

fixes the issue where ``` [Variant "From Position"] [FEN "6k1/1p2p1rp/rP1pR3/2pP1pP1/p1P2P1P/R5K1/8/8 b - - 0 1"] 1... h5 2. Rh6 Rh7 3. Re6 Rg7 4. Rh6 Rh7 5. Re6 Rg7 ```...