comments of
[Feature request]: Replace the "Error: could not find or load main class @user_jvm_args.txt" message
> Heya Chorb, > > just poppin in to let you know that, unfortunately, I haven't had time to investigate this and whether a nice solution would be or is...
[Feature request]: Replace the "Error: could not find or load main class @user_jvm_args.txt" message
There is probably also easier or less convoluted ways to do this, but this is what i came up with for now
[Feature request]: Replace the "Error: could not find or load main class @user_jvm_args.txt" message
> I wouldn't be so definite on "use java 8 or else", since you can use up to java 21 on 1.16.5 without issue (requires special args though) maybe add...