Dishank Tak
Dishank Tak
did any one find any working solution for this issue?
I tried to train the model and save the weights using following code. model.save_weights('VQA_WEIGHTS') And tried to use it in from VQA_Demo repository using following code. vqa_model =...
I changed the VQA model in VQA_Demo to be same as DeeperLSTM of VQA_Keras but while predicting received this error ValueError: Error when checking : expected embedding_1_input to have 2...
The VQA model that you mentioned in VQA_Demo didn't have the embedding layer but both the models in VQA_Keras had embedding layer. So should VQA model for predicting have embedding...
We cannot remove Embedsing layer from the training model. We have to make some adjustments in predicting model i guess On Mon, 15 Feb 2021, 1:58 am aaditya prakash, wrote:...
Is it that VQA_Demo's training project is different from VQA_Keras? Because lot of things are different betwwen them, they are some how not linking together