Hi, it is set to linear, and I also have the processing stack installed. It’s like everything’s grey and metallic like. On Sun, Dec 18, 2022 at 04:58 Victor Soupday...
Do I need to rebuild the materials after changing to linear? As I had mentioned everything works perfectly in HDRP so I know it’s an issue with the material setup...
I messed around with the lighting, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference. For comparison here is a similarly textured character I had run through some other plugins....
Yep, that option and rebuilding the materials fixed the weird skin coloration and everything. Final question, if you do know, is how would I improve the hair transparency issues? Really...
Is there something I can do with the way the hair is displayed in Unity at this step to resolve the way its rendering? The hair is made up of...
For example, here is the same hair, the right one was just imported through multiple other steps. Is there a way to achieve better hair rendering through your plugin, maybe...
Awesome, thanks. I've determined that the main issue I'm facing is that my hair material is rendering as a standard shader, with cutout as its rendering mode. Changing the rendering...
We're in business now, baby. The hair became an issue where the normal maps were not being imported and created like other materials. I did it by hand for now....