Hello all, I'm having the same exact problem as @iambesi. I just can't get Firefox 94 to work with MacType regardless of what I try. For my testing, I'm under...
This is the first thing I tried actually. The second picture in my post actually shows how it looks upscaled. PNG only supports RGB to my knowledge (no YUV inside...
Here's the source image (frame 473) file in both PNG: http://www.4shared.com/photo/3-cU3bTNce/sm24627927_0473.html And WebP: http://www.4shared.com/file/A5qmuL0Eba/sm24627927_0473.html Both are straight from ffmpeg. The PNG linked here should be identical to the first picture...
I've noticed over time that depending on the denoising setting you use, not only you get stronger denoising but also chroma smoothing! If fed with a properly chroma-upscaled PNG (using...
Thank you very much for your replies. It really clears it up for me. I wasn't aware Niconico did a lot of changes to its API within that short period...
That was a good call again, thank you very much. And I should have guessed it since the slow transition to HTTPS is breaking more and more stuff. I was...
Unfortunately, Niconico Downloader can't really be used as an alternative for the old Nicofox, as it only downloads the video and is not even capable of renewing the 2-minute heartbeat...
I was already on "http" but thank you for the tip anyway (the add-on doesn't catch the link in "hls" mode). I had the intention of editing my previous message...
Another behaviour I noticed. Still using the video above as an example. If I force the display into Economy mode by adding "**?eco=1**" at the end of the URL, then...
I finally created a brand new non-premium account and it looks like you were right. I was able to download with Nicofox again using that test account and guess what?...