
Results 30 issues of Dinxin

I can feed the gowalla dataset into the NeuMF model implemented by the repo in the url "https://github.com/hexiangnan/neural_collaborative_filtering". Surprisingly, the NDCG@10 can achieve 0.3991... But you reported the NDCG@20 is...


I viewed the whole code and found that the code only use toy dummy data to train model. So I don't really understand how you use those data to train...

Why don't you give the associated experimental results on some regression tasks in the MoleculeNet benchmark? Additionally, there are some pertaining techniques tailored for molecule data such as mol2vec, seq2seq...

I downloaded the steam dataset displayed on https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~jmcauley/datasets.html, and I found that purchase and play behaviors are in the same file named "australian_users_items.json" while review and recommend data are in...

We noticed that the readout function in the original paper is concatenation, while the one in code implementation is addition.

What are the order of the coarse-to-fine information flow and the fine-to-coarse information flow? Which information flow is put ahead of another ?