
Results 11 comments of DinoStray

hi @eteran , any progress on that? I can't wait to use cmake for this project.

I think we should consider separate linux and windows build. A big problem may be solved step by step,

I have met `undefined reference` problem several times, like ``` undefined reference to `pcpp::MacAddress::toString[abi:cxx11]() const' ``` and try several sequence of link libs ``` pthread pcap Common++ Pcap++ Packet++ ```...

> > I have met `undefined reference` problem several times, like > > ``` > > undefined reference to `pcpp::MacAddress::toString[abi:cxx11]() const' > > ``` > > Are you trying to...

always, I use XXX_VERSION like: ``` find_package(Libevent REQUIRED) message(STATUS "Libevent version: ${Libevent_VERSION}") find_package(ZeroMQ REQUIRED) message(STATUS "ZeroMQ version: ${ZeroMQ_VERSION}") ``` But for gtest ``` find_package(GTest REQUIRED) message(STATUS "GoogleTest version: ${GTest_VERSION}") ```...

And I wonder how to print double type value to the specified format

I agree with you @kaliatech . The hierarchical levels of Easylogging confused me a lot

遇到了和楼主同样的问题, 也给knightli发了邮件, 可还没有回复.:disappointed_relieved:

我是windows 7 + Atom 1.2.3, 插件都更新到最新了 Markdown Assistant 0.1.0 qiniu-uploader 0.0.3 同样使用ctrl - v 粘贴图片, 同样的qiniuAK SK等配置, 在这个网站可以顺利上传:http://yotuku.cn/ 详细的问题, 我发到你github绑定的邮箱了:[email protected]