baidu_speech icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
baidu_speech copied to clipboard

this package is python package for ROS speech, which use online baidu speech to do TTS and speech recognition.

this code is run well in ubuntu 14.04, thinkpad T44s.

you can visit the baidu speech home page at here:

the key and id is show below, feel free to change it in simple_speaker.launch and simple_voice.launch.

App ID: 8168466

API Key: pmUzrWcsA3Ce7RB5rSqsvQt2

Secret Key: d39ec848d016a8474c7c25e308b310c3

subscribe topic

speak_string #type string

How to run:

Speech Recognition: roslaunch simple_voice simple_voice.launch

Text To Speech: roslaunch simple_voice simple_speaker.launch
