Which Checkbox are you using? Is it XLab's? I personally wasn't able to get that one to work, so I implemented it by using an invisible button on top of...
HSoshiant's branch can do this. In your TreeView, define your HeaderCreationFactory as follows: ``` HeaderCreationFactory = (node) => { ContentView result; if (node.Depth == 0) //do not show the root...
So first just a quick explanation of coroutines in Lua as I understand them. They are **not** multi-threading. Everything runs on a single thread. When a coroutine starts, no other...
> This was all very helpful, but the question that arises is "Am I only allowed to do ~16ms of processing (time in between frames at 60 FPS) before I...
Not 100% sure I follow what the issue is. It sounds like the issue is that the meeple is not "snapping" to the correct place on the tile. Is that...
> > > Not 100% sure I follow what the issue is. It sounds like the issue is that the meeple is not "snapping" to the correct place on the...
Could someone please post their Valve Index bindings? It's quite a headache trying to come up with something from scratch.
Thank you! I will try your release and config