Dinesh Rawat
Dinesh Rawat
> For everyone who is having troubles here he an awesome repository which works like a charm :) > > https://github.com/Nenodema/excalidraw-self-hosted-stack Broken link!
This is a pain in 2020 ``` router.get('/auth/facebook', passport.authorize('facebook', { authType: 'rerequest', scope : ['email', 'public_profile'] })); ``` and ``` passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({ clientID: process.env.FACEBOOK_APP_ID, clientSecret: process.env.FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET, callbackURL: process.env.FACEBOOK_CALLBACK_URL, profileFields: ['id',...
> Have the same issue, scope and postFields didn't work, Will remove the shit FB login from the website, that's waste of time. 😡 1year ago we did the same...