`basaltP.addSpawn("cofh.thermalfoundation.entity.monster.EntityBasalz", "MONSTER", 100, 4, 4)` that isn't how you add spawns. You have to use the resource location like `"cofh:basalz"` although I'm not sure which they actually have, normally you...
It could be that you need to change the Script Stage back to `FINISHED_LOAD` (default) before accessing the biome with `basaltP = forBiomes("biometweaker:basalt_plains")`. I'm not sure how it works for...
The last thing I can think of is that you need to `basaltP.addToGeneration("NETHER", 2000)`. In 1.12 there is only one biome for the Nether which resource location is `minecraft:hell`, so...
You can trigger it later on PlayerLoggedIn-Event. Crafttweaker can only check if a mod is loaded via a preprocessor and preprocessors can be mandatory but it helps preventing it from...
Can you look out for any use of an RF-Converter, try to remove any block beside it until the the error doesn't occur anymore?
Futurepack Version is 1.18.2-33.0.7544, a look into the latest and searching for it helps as well but it's rather annoying to search it if someone doesn't know the shortcut for...
> Do you have log A log without any errors in it wouldn't help. I meant the latest log in the post under the picture and 40.2.4 is a server-only...
> Is kube js a mod? Simliar to crafttweaker for modifying for example items, blocks, recipes and so on but it can load datapacks (don't need mcmeta-files) in its own...
May be late but what about shaders?
Something must have changed the generation which is not futurepack because I have zero Alutine or Neon Crystal Caves in Menelaus and if you want more Crystal Caves spawning you...