Grégoire Dupont de Dinechin
Grégoire Dupont de Dinechin
Hi, Thank you very much for your message! And sincerely sorry for not answering sooner. While ULR is quite great, some issues do remain that could explain the presence of...
Thanks for your feedback! Ah, it seems that the documentation is indeed lacking in this regard. The depth maps are basically encoded using Unity's built-in shader method EncodeFloatRGBA, using only...
Sorry about the late reply. The approach looks good, but I agree that the output depth map is not right, so we must be missing something somewhere in the details....
Ah, that is an issue. What platform / OS are you on? Is there a command buffer on the camera component of the main camera ? If you open Frame...
No problem! In the same way, on the Camera component, are any command buffers listed? (at the bottom of the component's UI) In this case, a DiskBlendedPerViewMeshes command buffer should...
Thanks for the screenshot! What happens if you try "Textured per-view meshes"?
In that case the meshes themselves are probably the issue. Do the depth maps seem correct? Using which checkbox did you generate the per-view meshes? Were there any errors during...
Hmm, this is strange. Nothing specific should be done to the mesh, and it should work fine with your Unity configuration, so I'm not sure how to narrow down the...
Hi, Yes, absolutely correct! Sorry about that, I was working on a few changes earlier today and had incorrectly modified the StanfordLightFieldHelperEditor file as a result. Thank you for the...
Ah, that's very interesting to know about the WebGL player. I completely agree, I was indeed wondering about how to publish some demos to the web, but had not had...