Dimitar Tachev
Dimitar Tachev
Hi @TheLarkInn, I receive the following error when I try to debug my node js server-side rendered Angular 4 App: "_createStackFrameFromSourceMap: source '/src/app/app.component.ts' doesn't exist -> use inlined source" After...
Hi @mudlabs, I was able to access the `kGADAdLoaderAdTypeUnifiedNative` value without any additional symbols file. I just installed the `nativescript-admob` and added `console.log(kGADAdLoaderAdTypeUnifiedNative);` which successfully returned `6`. However, if you...
Hi @madsongr, as far as I know, when the app is in foreground, Firebase is just calling the onMessageReceived callback. If you need to display the notifications in the notifications...
@madsongr, its something that could be part of the plugin. I marked it with help wanted and feature request in order to be considered for some of the future versions...
Hi guys, GCM (Google Cloud Messaging) was deprecated by Google and the plugin is now rewritten using the Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). However, if you need more advanced Firebase features...
Hi @Syler921, It's a very nice idea. We could add something like clearAllWatchIds() similar to the Demo App logic. I've labeled that with the 'good first time' label.
Closing this issue due to inactivity
Hi guys, I've marked this as a known limitation and the above-mentioned workaround (`mangle: { reserved: ["RadListView"] }`) is the only possible solution for the moment. The issue will be...
@NathanaelA, As far as I understand, the plugin is trying to use the **NativeScript Core** `Builder.parse` API in order to load a **NativeScript Core view** (an XML file) in an...
@NathanaelA , I didn't get that you are doing the first workaround in the plugin itself. 😄 In the legacy workflow (before NativeScript 6.0 and without --bundle), we were copying...