Jody Dillon
Jody Dillon
Hi folks, We're running a big model iteratively and have set time_limit = 300s... however solves are regularly taking > 600s to solve. Is it possible that time_limit doesn't apply...
This was discussed at our last online project meeting. The idea is to utilize the pivot view of scenarios and alternatives and provide new functionality to automatically create new scenarios...
I've only recently come to appreciate the power of regular expressions in toolbox... particularly filtering the parameter value object_name_list column. It's very powerful. I wonder if it's well known and...
Creating a graph view can take a lot of time but is very valuable for visualising data. The load state/save state feature is really useful for saving a view and...
It would feel more natural to me to see entities displayed in the tree ordered by dimensionality. If, for example, I click on the unit class, I will already see...
From my understanding of our discussions on the toobbox developer call today, it is my understanding that a tool needs to do something deliberately to tell DB Editor that the...
It would be really nice to export a selection from the parameter value pane to sqlite or json. This would give us a nice little portable file we can import...
My use case is that I am creating a unit__node__node relationhsip and have already typed it one way I'd like to be able to copy and paste to create it...
Right now we have a lot of nice capabilities for filtering parameter values, but we can't filter anything in the tree. The ability to filter, sort and hide elements in...
Say I filter the parameter value pane by a parameter_name that can only have true or false as values, if I then go to filter by parameter value, a user...