
Results 17 comments of Diliz

Got the same issue on wsl2, did you found why it's doing this?

Hello! My specific usage is to extend already existing charts (which I do not manage nor build, ex: prometheus, or any helm chart from any repository) by injecting templating parts...

/remove-lifecycle stale > I would also appreciate this feature. > > Based on this [blog post](https://jfrog.com/blog/power-up-helm-charts-using-kustomize-to-manage-kubernetes-deployments/#Overlaying_with_Kustomize) it seems it was even possible at some point, however I haven't been able...

+1 Having the same issue with module building on openshift 4.10 :/ ## Issue ``` * Setting up /usr/src links from host * Running falco-driver-loader for: falco version=0.32.2, driver version=2.0.0+driver...

On openshift: add machine configs to add kernel-devel on your nodes, then the module compilation should work

Hello! Any news about this issue? :)

Hello! Is there any news regarding this issue? :)

Hello! Thanks for the replies! I actually tried to stop split my falco deployment in 2, one for syscalls and one for k8s audit events, but still no events detected,...

Thanks for the replies! Here an update! ## syscall only falco instances For the syscalls only falco, it is logging now, I had the following issues with it: - The...

Hello, It's stuck there for the k8s only one, even with the falco event generator (which is in loop mode) + manually triggerred events that should be monitored by falco...