John Farrier

Results 9 comments of John Farrier

I honestly don't recall why there Celero forces static linkage. I would be happy to take a Pull Request if you have one.

When Celero runs, it calls "celero::DisableDynamicCPUScaling()". On Windows, this disables scaling. There is not, however, a linux implementation in the code at this point. This should be added. It seems...

After consideration, I am going to remove automatically setting this on Windows. (It was never implemented for Linux.) A cross-platform warning does seem more appropriate.

I appreciate the help and may ask for more, but I would still suggest integrating CMake. It is designed to solve a problem that you are attempting to solve in...

Some improvements integrated into v2.8.4. Please provide a pull request if there are other suggestions here! The CMake methodology is a bit old at this point, so updates are welcome!

Apologies for that. I don't have a MinGW configuration to test with right now.

I am closing because the original issue has not been updated in over a year.

Yes. I haven't looked at this yet. Do you have a stack trace you can share?

Thank you! This is great news.