Diep Tu Hieu
Diep Tu Hieu
> Seems to be a compatibility problem. Please fully uninstall _netopeer2_, _sysrepo_ with its repositories and _libyang_ with _libnetconf2_. Once you perform a clean install, it should all work. I...
I trying to uninstall full netopeer2, sysrepo with command _sudo make uninstall_, _locate_ all old lib install in system and completely remove them. Then I build sysrepo and install it...
I used netopeer2 latest release version 2.1.71 sysrepo latest release v2.1.105 libyang latest release v2.1.111 libnetconf latest release v2.1.37 libssh latest release v0.10.6 When I build and install all of...
> I had the same problem, also with the master branches. I fixed it by uninstalling everything, then removing the `/etc/sysrepo` directory manually, then installing everything again. Seems to be...