Diego Lopes Lima
Diego Lopes Lima
- [ ] Register a [Bower](http://bower.io/) package. - [x] Implement a `scrollToInvalid` property to scroll to the first invalid field. ([Boolean](http://api.jquery.com/Types/#Boolean) or [Plain Object](http://api.jquery.com/Types/#PlainObject), Default:`true`) - Create animation. - Animate...
Create custom selectors. Example: ``` javascript // Valid fields. jQuery(':validate(valid)'); // Invalid fields. jQuery(':validate(invalid)'); // Pattern is invalid. jQuery(':validate(pattern=invalid)'); // Required but invalid. jQuery(':validate(required=invalid)'); ```
Create a way to validate custom fields. - [ ] Implement a way to add new selectors getting a function to get custom field value.
Create a conditional function to be called when the form is valid and return true to send the form.
Create a _Boolean_ parameter to validate disabled fields.
Create a changelog to view all changes in versions.
I highlighted the source codes for better understanding.