
Results 15 comments of DieKatzchen

I dunno, I like Magu's suggestion best. Forcing ingame hooks obviously prevents using this feature with any game that has trouble with ingame hooks. Nintendo has a long tradition of...

Swappable non-rechargeable batteries work better for something used occasionally. That way if you forget to charge one or more devices(or worse, all of them), it's just a quick trip to...

So I just saw that I can add the *.svm extension to the scanned files, but I didn't know that you're supposed to have the long name of the game...

I also would like GameHub support. The itch.io app won't install Windows games on Linux, but GameHub will. Unfortunately while the Linux games it installs are easily located by BoilR...

The way the Magic Home Inventory works is kind of clever. All items are also locations, all locations are also items, so you can put anything inside anything. That way...

I'd like to second this issue. My use case is that I have 3 displays and a number of inputs running through a series of matrix switches for which I...

Any progress on this? I'm interested as well, as long as I can choose mount point (since I obviously can't have them both on ux0).

Any progress on this?

I have since upgraded my projector to one that does SBS and OU, but I'm pretty sure it can still do frame sequential so I'll try it this weekend.

Well, I got some interesting data. I recorded some resting data, then I held it over the stove, then I waited until it was about to sleep and started scanning,...