Didier A

Results 6 comments of Didier A

as stated [here](https://pyopenssl.org/en/stable/changelog.html#id17), OpenSSL.rand() is obsolete and should be replaced by os.urandom(). This should be merged

You mean redefine json format in a way such as what is described in mfu_binary_format_notes.md? I’ll try to write something similar.

I think this feature is interesting, but for a different use case: I intend to use disk arbitrator so that SD cards or USB sticks are always mounted read-only, unless...

`hf mfu info` does find default passwords when the card's configuration allows multiple tries; do you think of something more? Maybe bruteforce with a dictionnary file ?

Tuya has been informed of the vulnerability used by cloucutter before it was released publicly, and yet I bought some smartplugs last month and I could flash them with cloudcutter...

Well, yes the fact that the error is not obvious: I did a google search and could not find anything relevant, so I opened this issue so at least this...