I have two identically configured Ender 5 pro printers with SKR Mini E3 V3.0 boards using real BLTouch 3.1’s. I was having a lot of trouble getting a consistent a...
When I was trying to figure out my BLTouch issues I took a very close look at the BLTouch 5V options. In technical terms the options are open drain or...
How you set BLTOUCH_SET_5V_MODEhas no affect unless you also enable BLTOUCH_FORCE_MODE_SET. BLTOUCH_FORCE_MODE_SET forces Marlin to write the 5V_Mode eitheron or off at power up. You only need todo that once...
BLTOUCH FORCE MODE SET does exactly what it says. It forces Marlin to write to the BLTouch. If 5Vmode is defined it writes 5Volt mode to the BLTouch on every...