> 不管是什么也没改,还是只改了一行代码每次都会把整个包下载下来 请问这是怎么查看的呢
> 弱网情况下还是会出现丢失的情况, 进行订阅无反应, 既不返回成功也不返回失败 请问你这边这个问题是怎么解决的呢?
hello,How did you solve this problem, I also encounter this problem now
I have used h264 encoding, but the effect is still not ideal
> Hello, has this problem been solved? I also encountered this issue. The codec of video and audio are h264 and opus respectively, and I use the version 4.3.1. It...
Talk about my solution to this problem at the time. When I switched the python version to 2.7, it was fine. I don’t know if everyone’s problems are the same,...
> https://blog.csdn.net/momo0853/article/details/109723741 > you can refer to this link Thank you for the method, I think someone will use it!
> Did you compile successfully? Yes, version 4.3
It’s a pity that I may not be able to give you some suggestions. It’s been a long time since I didn’t organize the whole process at the time. I...
> 你跑Demo是OK的吗?我加在Demo里,初始化ConferenceClient 就崩溃了, > > OWTConferenceClientConfiguration* config=[[OWTConferenceClientConfiguration alloc]init]; > NSArray *ice=[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:[[RTCIceServer alloc]initWithURLStrings:[[NSArray alloc]initWithObjects:@"stun:", nil]], nil]; > config.rtcConfiguration=[[RTCConfiguration alloc] init]; > // config.rtcConfiguration.iceServers=ice; > _conferenceClient=[[OWTConferenceClient alloc] initWithConfiguration:config]; > _conferenceClient.delegate=self; 当然可以,你这里config.rtcConfiguration.iceServers=ice;这一行不注释会怎样