
Results 9 issues of Dhruvkanani

It is a normal floating service. First argument of Toast shows an error when I enter this,service_name.this,getapplicationcontext(),service_name.this.getapplicationcontext(). Nothing works. Please give a solution of this problem.


Indicator doesn't supports RTL

When I use the url given below it downloads the html page instead of file. It will be a great help if anyone gives me a solution https://www.mediafire.com/file/1w3w3m14yr217b7/buffer.zip/file

I want to disable the background view when spinkitview is animating just like progressdialog.

I am using FButton in Linear Layout but it does not show push animation on click. However onclick event is performed but push animation is not shown in a fragment.

I need to border the view using background drawable so need to use background attribute but it doesn't works

I tried rtl but it doesn't worked

I want to use fliptimer library in java but it is only supported in kotlin. It will be a great help if you solve this issue. Thank You

Checkbox Listener is called automatically when i use it in a viewpager. Please Fix this.