Brian Runnells
Brian Runnells
There's an [addon]( for this now 🎉
I was able to work around this by creating a listener on the enter key and when the key is pressed manually invoking a `.click()` on the async button
@nahtnam fwiw there is another buildpack that provides this functionality out of the box [here](
I'm seeing this issue as well with the latest release of ember-cli and ember-modal-dialog 0.7.5
@BrunoSalgado1985 I'm not sure if it makes a difference but you should run the `ember s` command from the `ember-sprite` root directory and see if that helps?
The component would support whatever you can pass into typeahead.js, does that plugin support this @davidpike7?
@pmackay can you share more about how you are using this?
We do something like this in our implementation of this typeahead. If #11 gets merged I will make a separate PR to add the functionality here as well.