Hello, any update on this topic? I have been trying the "/style/bank//?png64=" but it does not seem to work. In the code I found [this](https://github.com/bitfocus/companion/blob/126f27e807ffbbeb1f420702b12b315bcfa7ea67/lib/UI/Express.js#L202) and [this](https://github.com/bitfocus/companion/blob/126f27e807ffbbeb1f420702b12b315bcfa7ea67/lib/Graphics/Renderer.js#L133), but as I...
> @DhSufi Did you ever find a solution to get this working? No. The Log shows a request received but nothing changes in the WEB GUI. I did not tested...
> Well I found the web UI's socket connection and can see how it changes the image there, so I guess it would be possible to use that as a...
OK I got it. Companion UI websocket url is: _ws:// You need to use socket IO and send event and data. The event is: _controls:set-style-field'_ The data is: _('bank:1-14', {"png64":...
Hello, any update on this topic? It would be very useful not just to get and send midi messages in server mode. Thanks for your work.