Hi, Does anybody know why it takes so long to download / steam audio feeds? It's perfectly fine for 360p and 720p but audio is horrendously slow, is there a...
The command to use docker in the readme just gives me the error: Current Command Output > docker run -v $(pwd) --rm -i exodusprivacy/exodus-standalone base.apk > Emulate Docker CLI using...
Option added under Layout > Secondary Monitors > Move Panel to Second Monitor.
Hi, I installed the latest version from the dev branch and have ran: ./broadlink_cli --type 0x60c8 --host DEVICEIP --mac DEVICEMAC --switch ./broadlink_cli --type 0x60c8 --host DEVICEIP --mac DEVICEMAC --turnoff ./broadlink_cli...
An option I added because I like games and other programs to default to opening on my primary monitor, but I prefer the top bar, notifications and hot corners to...