
Results 5 comments of 卢宇钊

crash in the same problem.. anyone fixed it?

Besides comment line 652-722 in sdf_map.cpp, i comment line 729-733 line in sdf_map.cpp that commented `clear outdated data`,it will save the global map

> > > > Hey Zhou, How can I save more map as shown in Figure 1 ? I have tried your comments in #60, #70 and #35, but not...

> hi,i am new to ROS.After running ur code .why just show the following code'Done.Subscribed to /camera/color/raw_image' without more information?,i am sure i have subscribed to the topic camera/color/image_raw and...

> As mentioned in my previous reply, you have to subscribe to `/yolact_ros/detections`. If you renamed the node, the namespace changes. Do you get output for `rostopic echo /yolact_ros/detections`? If...