> I use SliverMasonryGrid.count in CustomScrollView and make item keep alive, drop frame problem disappear。 but all Items build, not dynamic build, how to resolve
@AlsaceGH it does not work
> @Folobe26 Thank you, because of your tip, my problem is solved. how to do that, with Xcode I can not make breakpoint in `static void handleException(NSException* exception, BOOL currentSnapshotUserReported)`...
> I want to know how KSCrash works when a mach exception happened, especially how to get call stack, so I need to set breakpoints in KSCrash. have you resolved...
每发一次请求,Client Address的端口值都会变。 我使用 iOS原生网络请求框架 Alamofire进行网络请求时,Client Address的端口值不会变,HTTPS连接会进行持久连接,Kept Alive 值为true,TLS HandShake 值为 - 能帮我看一下,在dio中如何能 保持持久连接么?每次请求不需要重新进行 TLS 握手。