David B.

Results 15 comments of David B.

Thanks for your suggestion @mpodorov, I took a look on it and this functionality is offered already by Matomo's premium plugin [SEO Web Vitals](https://plugins.matomo.org/SEOWebVitals). Not sure if changing this performance...

Ok, it wasn't clear to me that the SEO Web Vitals plugin gets its metric data from Google. In this case I really support the idea to refactor this plugin...

@findus23 Would it be ok for Matomo to offer such an (refactored) plugin?

What exactly is needed to incorporate the plugin to Weblate?

Ok, sounds good to me. 👍

> I am newbie to matomo and I don't understand the translations, i need to open an account https://www.transifex.com/ ? There's no need to open an account with that service,...

Since it's WIP I'm going to wait until you finish with your PR before merging.

OK thanks, I'll have a look on it when I have some time.

Having the same issue with DKB: ```log Dialog response: 9050 - Die Nachricht enthält Fehler. Dialog response: 9800 - Dialog abgebrochen Dialog response: 9010 - Die angegebene Bankreferenz/Dialog-ID ist nicht...

Having a similar problem with IPv4/IPv6 detection and blocking in my case. This way the blocking can be bypassed.