Can you please show how to change the batch size for testing.
Hi, Please let me know which numba are you using? I am getting error. Thanks
Hi, Could you please provide the annotations in object level with the bounding box information. Thank you
Hi...can you tell me how to use KeepAspect() function and what parameters to set in for "img_h": ?, "img_w": ?, to make it work for rectangular input.Thanks
hi, while running the I got this error "maximum recursion depth exceeded " . Can you advice?
Hi , I ma getting an error for OSError: image file is truncated. for my dataset. Could you please advice. Thanks
Hi, Can you provide for evaluation get MAP after training. Thanks
Hi after changing the CmakeList you have updated, now I am getting this error Boost version: 1.58.0 Boost include path: /usr/local/include Could not find the following Boost libraries: ``` boost_python3...
Hi...Is the pruning for 300X300 only? I didnt find any pruning for 512X512. Thanks