We validated in proposal/issue #2256 that we now only support the `defaults` browserlist target with mandatory support of WebGL 2.0. This was implemented in itowns in PR #2252. @jailln We...
This issue was on the old website, we can close this issue.
@jailln @ketourneau : According to @mgermerie, the root cause of this issue seems to be that tiles of the terrain (as created by the view) does not match that of...
@ketourneau Yeah I think this again a mix between the issue described in #2290 and cache coherency...
The vector tiles from IGN's `PLAN.IGN` is distributed as a TMS, so both `openlayers` and `itowns` should have the same tiles for a given zoom level. I think your issue...
Got some inputs from IGN's "Géoportail", they officially support versions of Firefox, Chrome, Edge and Safari no older than a year. Waiting from inputs from IGN's "Géoplateforme" but I think...
Proposal validated on IGN's side. It seems that everyone agree with this proposal, I think we could move forward!
We finally decided to completely dropped support for CJS distribution (see proposal #2256). We'll push in a coming PR distribution as ES-only module (I already have a fully working branch)....
Yeah, I agree that we should experiment with `WebGPU` in the short/mid term. However, it seems that `three.js` will not support `ShaderMaterial` for `WebGPURenderer`, this means we could not write...
@jailln Since #2183 was merged before this PR, you have a conflict in the `GLTFLoader` unit test but it should be easy to resolve!