
Results 8 comments of DerKleinePunk

npm install -g nodemon npm install -g ts-node ```console server listening on Read READYheater -do stop [Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/tmp/shairport-sync-metadata'] { errno: -2, code:...

Next Crash ```console /home/punky/develop/herbiOS/api/src/lights/LightsService.ts:21 for (const lightConfiguration of this.config.get().lights) { ^ TypeError: this.config.get.lights is not iterable at new LightsService (/home/punky/develop/herbiOS/api/src/lights/LightsService.ts:21:59) at Function.getInstance (/home/punky/develop/herbiOS/api/src/lights/LightsService.ts:12:35) at LightsSocket._socket (/home/punky/develop/herbiOS/api/src/lights/LightsSocket.ts:31:45) at Namespace. (/home/punky/develop/herbiOS/api/src/api/websocket/NamespaceSocket.ts:59:18) at...

> Hi @schreudel, danke für den Hinweiß, > > hab die nötigen Informationen in die [Readme]( gepackt. Hoffe das reicht und du kanns es damit kompilieren? Falls nein sag bescheid!...

unter Debian gibt es ein Package das Yarn heißt aber nicht das yarn ist was du meinst. so habe ich es jetzt bei mir Installiert.

I hope you Holiday are good. Thanks I will Test it and Report.

Try Add global.json with { "sdk": { "version": "6.0.0", "rollForward": "latestFeature" } } in your src code directory

@hawkeye1103 i understand that right the Problem ist disconnect and reconnect ?

Has some an Hint for me ? After enable libseat i can start the app only with sudo. I don't find where the rigths are Configuriert.