@JorelAli I obviously didn‘t open the issue but want to give answers to the questions: 1. If you have the method call `CommandAPI.unregisterBukkit(“plugins“)` it should unregister every instance of the...
As far as I am aware, disabling should also work with vanilla commands, right? For example, if I have something like this: `CommandAPI.unregister("reload");`, it should unload all `reload`-commands. Because if...
> > As far as I am aware, disabling should also work with vanilla commands, right? For example, if I have something like this: `CommandAPI.unregister("reload");`, it should unload all `reload`-commands....
For this issue, I noticed something surprising, but it is totally possible I messed something up. I used this code, Minecraft 1.20.1, CommandAPI 9.2.0: ```java Bukkit.getScheduler().runTaskLater(this, () -> { CommandAPIBukkit.unregister("help",...
Yeah, I am calling `CommandAPI.onEnable()` after I unregister these commands. But that should not matter. If I know what to do before the server is running, I should be able...
I mean, yeah, it does work when calling `CommandAPI.onEnable()` first. But it really shouldn't only work this way. To me, it seems really unintuitive and it should be considered to...
I also did my own testing and I am also able to confirm that this seems to work great!
@soshimee Recently, CommandAPI v9.1.0 was released. In this version, changes to the command unregistration system were made. If you use 9.1.0, does this issue still persist?
@soshimee Just tested your setup with CommandAPI 9.2.0, Minecraft 1.20.1, and used ServerUtils to disable the test plugin. I used this code to register the command: ```java new CommandAPICommand("ping") .executes((sender,...
So, I've opened this ten days ago and haven't heard anything. What's the deal with this?